Protein is an important nutrient that the body needs for many reasons. Not only does it help to build and repair muscle, but protein can also help with weight loss, enhance muscle growth, and improve overall health. In this article, we will discuss how much protein the average person should be eating each day in order to achieve these benefits. We will also provide tips on how to increase protein intake if needed.
Protein is essential to live a healthy life, but how much protein should a person consume each day? The amount of protein you need depends on several factors, including your age, activity level, and muscle mass. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. For example, a sedentary 70-year-old woman who weighs 63kg needs 50 grams of protein per day. If you are a highly active 20-year-old man who weighs 90kg, you need about 84 grams of protein daily. But despite the recommended daily allowance experts still say that we should be eating more protein than that.
A high intake of protein has many benefits which include the aid to weight loss, enhance muscle growth and improve overall health. At least 1 of these three points are goals that people strive for in some point of their lives. In this article, we can help you discover ways to achieve those goals and increase your intake of protein.
Eat protein at first meal
Replace cereal with eggs
Have protein shake breakfast
Snack on cheese
Add peanut butter to diet
Top food with chopped almonds
Choose Greek yogurt
Eat leaner larger cuts of meat
Nibble on edamame
1. Eat Protein at First Meal

You maybe thinking, why would I eat protein in the morning? That's going to be too heavy that early. Well, by eating protein in the morning, it can increase production of peptide YY (a gut hormone) that makes you feel full and satisfied for longer. Not only this, it can help decrease the ghrelin levels, a 'hunger hormone' and increase your metabolism rate after eating and during sleep. Studies have shown that, eating protein first thing in the morning can help keep blood sugar and insulin levels from rising too high after meals.
So next time you wake up an you're feeling hungry, consider having a little protein in the morning. Simple ideas you can choose from for breakfast can be eggs, protein oats, spreading peanut butter on toast, if you can get hold of turkey sausages then lets air fry them!
2. Replace Cereal With Eggs
This leads on perfectly to our next tip. Swapping those sugary cereals for eggs. Its know that most breakfast food choices are low protein and high carbohydrate. A bowl of oatmeal, has more protein than most cereals, holding 5g per typical cup serving. However, eggs can provide almost 3 times as much protein than cereals and oatmeal combined, 3 eggs can provided 19g protein and including nutrients like selenium and choline. A study showed that, people who ate protein for breakfast felt fuller for longer than those had a carb-heavy meal. Not only this, studies shows that help can decrease the risk of heart disease. So instead of eating unhealthy cereals, try making some protein pancakes, protein porridge or even an omelette!
3. Have A Protein Shake For Breakfast
If you really can't stomach anything in the morning or you're in a rush, protein shakes are the way to go. Protein powder is low calorie, high protein and easy to make. Whey protein powder has been studied the most and found to be the most effective protein for building muscle, it can also help with fat loss. A protein shake for breakfast will increase your metabolism and full you up until lunch due to its high protein content which 25g can provide 17g of protein.
If you want to make a protein powder at home all you need is some milk or water, protein powder and a blender or shaker bottle. It doesn't take long to make so its perfect for those who are always on the go. If your not keen on the taste of protein shakes, then add the protein powder into a smoothie or even in porridge (if you have time)!
Unfortunately whey protein is not suitable for vegans or people who have milk allergies. However, there are many vegan protein powders available on the market that use plant-based sources of protein such as peas, rice, soy or hemp. These vegan protein powders can have a slightly different amino acid profile to whey protein but are still an excellent source of protein.
4. Snack On Cheese
The next tip for snacking instead of reaching for the unhealthy sugary snacks, go for some protein rich foods instead like cheese. Cheese is an excellent source of protein which surprisingly cheddar cheese has 7g of protein and 30 calories fewer and 6 times more calcium than snack like a plain tortilla chips and can help boost your metabolism. A recent study showed that people who ate cheddar cheese as a snack felt fuller than those who didn’t eat any cheese at all.
5. Add Peanut Butter To Diet
If you love peanut butter then your in luck as it is a protein-rich food. This spread can be paired with almost any ingredients. Just two tablespoons of peanut butter contains around 8g of protein, making it an easy way to up your intake. Peanut butter is also a good source of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, just be mindful of the sugar content in some commercial brands.
Studies suggest that peanut butter have many health benefits like decreasing appetite, increase burning fat and also reduce sugar levels in the blood. So, why not try it as a dip for your fruits and veg like apples and celeries or use it as base for your favourite curries.
6. Top Food With Chopped Almonds
This next tip is a great way to make any meal more protein-rich, simply top your food with chopped almonds. Almonds are not only a good source of protein but also contain healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in digestible carbohydrates. Just a quarter-cup of almonds which contains around 8g of protein.
So whether you’re eating oatmeal, yogurt, cereal or even a salad, adding chopped almonds will help increase the protein content.
7. Choose Greek Yogurt
If you’re looking for a protein-rich food that is also low in sugar then Greek yogurt is a great choice. Greek yogurt is made by straining the yogurt to remove the whey, resulting in a thicker and more concentrated product. This process also removes some of the lactose, making it easier to digest for those who are lactose intolerant. Greek yogurt typically contains double the amount of protein than regular yogurt and is also a good source of calcium, probiotics and vitamins. 240g serving contains 17-20 of protein depending on the brand. Its been researched that Greek yogurt can help increase gut health, protein synthesis and even weight loss.
8. Eat Leaner Larger Cuts Of Meat
If you eat meat, then choose leaner cuts of meat such as chicken breast or fish. These cuts of meat are lower in fat and calories and higher in protein. A 120g serving of chicken breast contains around 35 grams of protein, making it a great option for those looking to increase their protein intake. Fish is also a great source of protein and is also rich in omega-three fatty acids, which have many health benefits. Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines are all good choices when it comes to fish. 120g of cooked salmon contains around 35 grams of protein. Other examples of high protein foods are other than meat and fish are poultry, egg, legumes and soy products like tofu and tempeh.
9. Nibble On Edamame

And finally, for a protein-rich snack, try nibbling on some edamame. Edamame are immature soybeans that are still in the pod and can be found fresh or frozen. A 100g serving of edamame contains around 11 grams of protein and is also a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. As its high in an antioxidants known as Kaempferol, studies have shown that eating edamame can help reduce blood sugar levels as well as aid weight loss.
Edamame can be boiled, steamed or roasted and are a great addition to salads or as a healthy snack.
Bottom Line
Protein is an essential nutrient that has many benefits for our health. It can help with weight loss, muscle growth and overall health. There are many ways to increase your protein intake, these are just a few but small suggestions to get you started.
By making small changes to your diet and including more protein-rich foods, you’ll be on your way to a healthier and leaner you! Try incorporating some of these tips into your diet and see the benefits for yourself!
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